Master of Science Program

Degree Requirements

MS Plan I vs. MS Plan II

There are two pathways to achieve an MS degree. All MS students are admitted to the Plan II: Project/Exam option.  To pursue a MS Plan I: Thesis, you will need to find a major professor willing to mentor you for the thesis (mutual agreement).

  • MS Plan I – Thesis: The MS I pathway requires that, in addition to 27 units of graded coursework, students engage in substantial, independent research that culminates in the writing of a Thesis. The MS I degree pathway is for students who have a strong interest in gaining or expanding their research experience. The ability to participate in the MS I pathway requires concurrence of a faculty member, either prior to or after arrival at UCD.
  • MS Plan II – Exam or Project: The MS II pathway requires students take 34 units of graded coursework, predominately at the graduate level. In addition, as a culminating experience students will take either a written comprehensive exam or complete a project (developed in consultation with their Major Professor). The MS II pathway is for students who are interested in expanding their knowledge in their area of specialization. Students on the MS II pathway may, with the support of a faculty member, transfer to the MS I (thesis) pathway. (Note: written exams are not offered by all research groups).

Please see full degree requirements below. Specifics on program milestones can be expanded on at the bottom of this page.

It is important to discuss your chosen track and Program of Study with your Major Advisor or the area advisor for your research group. Your faculty advisor can provide insights into how the different tracks can fit in with your area of studies and your academic goals. View the Area Advisors.

MS Plan Milestones 

Please see below for the important administrative steps needed to finish your degree and officially graduate. Each milestone lays out steps for both MS tracks. Contact Lauren Worrell for any inquiries.