
GATEways Outreach Co-Coordinator Vivian Le Honored with UC Davis Arboretum’s 2018 Pinkerton Prize

Vivian LeVivian Le, who is completing her fourth year and majoring in civil engineering, was honored by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden for dedicating three years to the arboretum’s GATEways Outreach Program.

She has invested a lot of time fostering connections with all of the students in this program and really taking the time to enhance the curriculum and training that is offered to students.

The Pinkerton Prize Endowment for Outstanding Student Contributions was created by Deborah Pinkerton, who worked as a student employee at the UC Davis Arboretum environmental education from 1979 to 1985. She and her husband, Bret Hewitt, continue to add to this endowment in support of the exceptional students at the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden.

Congratulations, Vivian!

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