Professor John Harvey Presents Rasmus S. Nordal Keynote Address
John Harvey, professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering and director of the UC Pavement Research Center (UCPRC), presented the Rasmus S. Nordal keynote address to more than 400 delegates at the 10th Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields in Athens, Greece, on June 28, 2017.
The title of the address was “Imposed vs. Chosen Change: A Vision for the Future of the Pavement Enterprise.” The lecture looked at whether “stationarity,” meaning that the needs for future design can be based on past needs, is applicable to the future of pavement.
The lecture reviewed expectations for changes in the demand for pavement for personal mobility and freight, effects of projected vehicle technology changes on pavement, increased expectations and functional requirements that pavement will need to meet, and recommended changes in the academic and government sectors of the pavement enterprise to meet future demands and expectations.