COVID 19 Guidelines

Civil and Environmental Engineering COVID-19 Guidelines

Updated Campus Requirements


Campus currently requires face coverings indoors. 

Daily Symptom Survey required to enter campus buildings, including the business office. 

Current campus health policies. 

  • COVID-19: Transmission, Risk Reduction, and You
  • Please visit this link. 
  • Suggestions from the CDC in Maintaining a Healthy Work Environment
  • - The CDC recommends the following guidance on how to protect yourself and others in common spaces.

    - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

    - Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    - Cover your mouth and nose with a face cloth cover (aka mask) when around others. Continue to keep at least 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.

    - If you are in a private setting and do not have on your cloth face covering (aka mask), remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash and immediately wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

    - Clean AND disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, and doorknobs. Dirty surfaces can be cleaned with soap and water prior to disinfection.

    - Practice social distancing by avoiding large gatherings and maintaining distance (at least 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.

  • Campus Custodial COVID-19 Disinfection Protocols 
  • - Custodial staff will clean areas serving the staff and faculty population by different frequencies. The schedule is currently daily for high touch surfaces in common areas and weekly for labs. This may change as the building traffic increases with the ramp up of research and return to campus. 

    -  This level of cleaning is geared towards reducing disease transmission and includes specific disinfectant recommendations effective against coronavirus.

    - High TouchSurfaces to focus cleaning and disinfection: Counters, Doorknobs/handles, Lights Switch Plates, Toilet Room Surfaces, Tables and Chairs, Railings, Kitchen Surfaces, Hard surface flooring, Carpeted surface (where applicable. 

  • Campus COVID-19 Resources
  • o How and where to report positive cases

    o Campus Ready: Sanitizing

    o Campus COVID-19 FAQ by Safety Services 

    o Daily symptom survey

    Daily symptom survey information

  • Department Worksite Plan
  • You can find the CEE Department worksite plan here. 
  • Department Specific Guidelines  - Updated 10/13/2020
  • Guidance has been developed for researchers wearing a face-covering in laboratory areas

     Please note - Do not wear face coverings made of synthetic polymers or elastics (most surgical masks are made of polypropylene) if you work with open flames, pyrophoric materials, or large quantities of flammables. Also, face shields are not substitutes for face coverings.

     We know that some people who are on campus working in labs do not have an indoor space where they can, for example, eat lunch when smoke levels are high, it is excessively hot, or rainy outside. 
     - Limit your time to 30 minutes or less and keep the door closed.
     - Wipe down all surfaces with the sanitizing wipes provided after use.
     - We are also adding in room air filters - please set these to run for two hours when you use the room (the  minimum timer setting).
     - We still encourage going outside to eat when the weather allows. 
     - Concerns or suggestions: email
  • General Expectations for Common Spaces
  • - Masks or cloth face coverings must be worn at all times in any common areas (hallways, lobby, restrooms) and in any room if more than one person occupies that space. Please email to request a mask. 
    - People must maintain physical distance (6 feet minimum) at all times and must avoid socializing/gathering in common areas of the building. In general, people should avoid sitting in common areas.
    - People should be vigilant about their hand hygiene. Please watch this video on proper hand hygiene.
    - Personnel who get sick with COVID-19 (or suspect they are sick) should notify their immediate supervisor, who will then notify the Chair/CAO so they can establish an appropriate response. This may include immediate, temporary closure of the building so campus cleaning services can be initiated, and the appropriate signage posted.
    CEE students, staff and faculty should participate in making the department a healthy and safe working environment. You are encouraged to email safety and COVID-19 related concerns to the  and it will be directed to department leadership for response
  • Wildfire Smoke & COVID-19
  • While the wildfire smoke has currently abated we are still in the midst of fire season. The Department has acquired a number of N95 mask to address high smoke levels when they occur. You may request one from We only have a limited number of these. Therefore, ask that you only request one if you’re doing outdoor field work, or if you are working in one of the buildings and are particularly sensitive to air pollution. 
  • Phase 2 Research Request Protocols
  • Use following link:
  • COVID Positive Exposure Communication
  • If someone tests positive for COVID-19 from a UC Davis test, or if they inform the university they have tested positive via a non-campus test, the information is ultimately communicated to Safety Services. 

    Please see the building exposure checklist and the communication process.

  • Vaccine Research and Resources 
  • UCD Health has a number of useful resources, including a FAQ on "how the COVID-19 vaccine works," a few things regarding potential short term responses after taking the vaccine, which are not experienced by everyone, and some info on how vaccine misinformation can travel through our information ecosystem

    The CDC has recently released information regarding the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and why--after careful review--they lifted the temporary pause on use. The CDC also has some useful info on vaccine safety. Finally, the CDC has a slidedeck for healthcare providers that discusses ways in which they can help to build confidence in the vaccine.

    Johns Hopkins University also has a useful "12 things to know about the vaccine" that addresses reasons why some people are hesitant. 

     Here is article about Chancellor May receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines from back in January.

  • Historical Updates

  • 5/1/2021

    The University of California recently proposed a mandated vaccine policy. Please review the resources below for more information about the COVID-19 vaccine. 

    Starting Dec. 1, COVID-19 testing validation will be required to access any campus facility (offices, academic buildings, Library, MU, ARC, etc). If you plan to visit campus at least once per week, you will be required to get tested every 7 days.If you visit campus less frequently, then please plan ahead and secure a testing appointment in advance, up to 7 days before your visit. Please note that testing availability will vary each week and same-day testing appointments are not guaranteed. 

    9/3/2020 The campus now requires that everyone accessing campus buildings must take a daily symptom survey. The purpose of the symptom survey is to help with contact tracing should it be necessary. For CEE you must forward a copy of the email that you receive to to demonstrate that you have completed the survey every day upon entering a UC Davis facility.  Certain buildings and facilities on campus they may expect you to show the result of your symptom survey before entering. Please schedule your testing appointment beginning Wednesday, Nov. 18. Testing appointments must be made online in advance. The on-campus testing kiosk is open Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Wednesdays, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., to accommodate a range of work schedules. Please consult with your supervisor for scheduling, as you will be afforded paid release time for weekly testing. 
    Grad Desk Protocols:  We now have permission from the campus to pilot opening up grad student and post doc offices on a limited basis. We are rolling this out slowly, initially limiting it to only those who have already assigned desk space, and it does not encompass all spaces within CEE at this time. All those requesting access will need to read, agree to, and sign an SOP; signatures will be collected via Docusign, but you can review the SOP in advance. Please also review the Desk Space Summer 2020 rules document, which includes the link to the google form to request limited access.